18th NTRCA Model Test College Level – 01

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18th NTRCA Model Test College Level – 01 | ntrca.teletalk.com.bd. NTRCA Model Test College Level has been found on my website https://dhakajobs24.com/. I will try a total of fifty model tests to submit my website. I hope the candidates of 18 NTRCA are very much benefited from visiting my website. The 18th NTRCA candidate suggested always visit my website. NTRCA means Non-government Teachers’ Registration and Certification Authority.

18th NTRCA Model Test College-Level

Non-Government Teacher Registration & Certificate Authority (NTRCA) School MCQ Exam Date and Time 25 August 2024. 10:00 am to 11:00 am, School Written Exam Date and Time 12 August 2024. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, College MCQ Exam Date and Time 07 May 2024. 10:00 am to 11:00 am, College Written Exam Date Time 13 August 2016. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

18th NTRCA Model Test College-Level

The candidate will face the exam total mark 200, operational subject  MCQ marks 100, and compulsory subject 100 marks written exam. The 18th NTRCA Exam Circular Online Apply Result 2024 will be published very soon. So if you get your result then visit my site Dhaka-jobs.com.

NTRCA Model Test College-Level

NTRCA Model Test College-Level

NTRCA Model Test College-Level

NTRCA Model Test College-Level

NTRCA Model Test College-Level

NTRCA Model Test College-Level

Download the NTRCA Five Model Test

18th NTRCA Model Test College-Level

NTRCA Model Test College Level objectives Subject are found on my site. Model test objectives Subject total marks 100. A total of four subjects include this MCQ question pattern such as Bengali, English, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. Now at present day by day NTRCA Exam is very popular in Bangladesh people. So I must hope those who collect my model test from my website they are very benefit from the 18th NTRCA exam.

NTRCA Model Test College Level objectives Subject are found on my site. Model test objectives Subject total marks 100. A total of four subjects include this MCQ question pattern such as Bengali, English, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. Now at present day by day NTRCA Exam is very popular in Bangladesh people.

18th NTRCA Model Test College-Level

So I must hope those who collect my model test from my website they are very benefit from the 18th NTRCA exam. If you want to School Teacher or College Lecturer in Bangladesh then you must achieve NTRCA. The Candidate of NTRCA faces two categories exam operational subject exam and compulsory subject exam. Operational subject MCQ marks 100 and compulsory subject 100 marks written exam.

Conducting competitive teacher registration examinations nationwide in a transparent, corruption-free, and computerized manner, issuing certificates to candidates who have passed the registration examination, updating the combined national merit list after taking the teacher registration examination and publishing it on the website, accepting online e-requisitions from private educational institutions of the country to recruit teachers and receive vacant posts.

18th NTRCA Model Test College-Level

On the other hand, by accepting the online application form and selecting the best candidate against the vacant post based on merit at the entry-level from among the candidates with the registration certificate, development of the overall education system of the country by qualified and talented teachers.

Policy decisions regarding administrative and financial matters related to NTRCA are arrived at at its Executive Board meeting which is supposed to be held once every three months. The 11-member Executive Board is headed by its Chairman, who is Chairman of the NTRCA. The 3 posts of members of the NTRCA are :

  • Member (Administration and Finance),
  • Member (Pedagogy and Education Standard)
  • Member (Examination Evaluation and Certification)

These members are ex-officio members of the NTRCA Executive Board. The other 7 members of the Executive Board are :

  • Director General, Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education,
  • Director General, Directorate of Technical Education,
  • Chairman, Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board,
  • Representative of the Ministry of Education,
  • Representative of the Ministry of Finance,
  • Representative of the University of Dhaka,
  • Representative of the National University,

18th NTRCA Model Test College-Level

As of 29 January 2007, the Government has created 87 posts in the revenue budget for NTRCA.

An Additional Secretary to the Government is working as full-time chairman of NTRCA. The Government has deputed 3 Joint Secretaries as Members of this body. Posts of one Secretary and two Directors all of the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government are there. 4 Associate Professors belonging to the Bangladesh Civil Service (General Education) cadre have been deputed as Deputy Directors while 2 officers (Assistant Professors and Lecturers) from the same cadre and 1 officer from the Accounts department have been deputed as Assistant Directors. Besides, 4 Assistant Directors, 1 System Analyst, 1 Assistant Programmer, and other staff recruited by this body as its manpower are there.

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