Textile and Jute Ministry Job 2021 has been published. Directorate of Jute attached department under the Ministry of Textiles and Jute. Ministry of Textile and Jute is looking for a group of bright, talented energetic fresher offering Inspector Goods, Inspector Jute, Senior Data Entry Operator, Assistant Inspector, Steno Typist.
Textile and Jute Ministry Job 2021
Monitoring Assistant, Computer Operator, Accounts Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Office Assistant, Driver (Heavy), Night Guard. Directorate Jute Ministry Inspector Job Circular is total post 252. Directorate of Jute Inspector Job Circular deadline 28th February 2021. Textile and Jute Ministry Job 2021.
Textile and Jute Ministry Job Details 2021
Jute Inspector Job Summary:
■ Job Title: See Job Advertisement
■ Job Description: Directorate of Jute Inspector Job Circular has been published. Directorate of Jute attached department under the Ministry of Textiles and Jute. Ministry of Textile and Jute is looking for a group of bright, talented energetic fresher offering Inspector.
■ Online Application Start: January 28, 2021
■ Online Application Deadline: February 28, 2021
■ Job Nature: Full-time
■ Job Type: Government (Ministry of Textiles and Jute)
■ Employment Type: Permanent
■ Education Qualification: See Advertisement
■ Job Experience: Nil
■ Gender: Both (Male & Female)
■ Compensation and Benefit: As per Govt. Pay-scale
■ How to Apply: Apply to the Director-General, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207.
■ Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
■ Age Limit: General Applicant 30 years and Freedom Fighter Child 32 years.
■ Total Vacancies:
Textile and Jute Ministry Job Notice 2021
Textile and Jute Ministry Job News 2021
Directorate of Jute attached department under the Ministry of Textiles and Jute which was established in 1978 under the Ministry of Textiles. The Directorate of Jute plays a vital role to develop private sector Jute Industries. The Purpose of the Directorate of Jute is to act as sponsoring authority of the textiles sector and to create skilled manpower in the jute sector.
History of the establishment of the Department of Textiles
The Directorate of Textiles was set up in 1986 with the objective of developing, expanding, and expanding the potential textile industry and providing skilled manpower for the textile industry. The textile industry of Bangladesh is playing a major role in the economic development and employment of the country and is making a significant contribution to socio-economic development. 7% of the country’s export earnings are earned from the textile sector. The election manifesto of the present government states that “to make the textile industry safe, strong and competitive”.
Textile and Jute Ministry Job Update 2021
This is the vision of the government. The mission has been prepared as per the commitment of the government to implement the vision, similarly, the objectives and functions have been determined. Existing and developing textile factories need skilled textile technicians to produce quality textiles. In order to meet this demand, the Department of Textiles employs skilled textile workers, supervisors, diploma technicians, and above all graduates. Providing. 3309 technologists are coming out from the mentioned educational institutions every year. All these technologists are finding work in the existing textile factories and are contributing to the production of high-quality textiles. It is acting as a driving force in the current economy. Textile and Jute Ministry official website https://motj.gov.bd/.
The Department of Textiles is coordinating with the Bangladesh Board of Technical Education and Universities in formulating a textile education curriculum to ensure the quality of education of all textile and technical education institutes established under the department and similar educational institutions established in public, private and semi-public sectors. The Department of Textiles is determining the amount of skilled manpower required in the textile sector as a whole and is setting up technical education institutes in the demand-based textile sector and the establishment process is underway.
Textile and Jute Ministry Job Guideline 2021
At present the ongoing project for the construction of textile educational institutions is Tk. 84 crore and the project to be set up is Tk. 480 crore. The government has already taken the initiative to export skilled manpower abroad by meeting the demand for skilled manpower in the future. The Department of Textiles, as the supporting authority of the textile industry, has resumed all the activities of the textile and readymade garment industry from 26/05/2013. That work is being done very quickly.
In the development and growth of this industry, the industry is providing services to the entrepreneurs with technical advice and technical guidance in setting up the industry. The Department of Textiles, in coordination with all the organizations/stakeholders involved in the textile sector, undertakes activities to keep the textile industry stable and provides services at the earliest. The textile industry is trying its best to monitor and ensure compliance through inspections. The Department of Textiles will play a more dynamic role in the development and growth of the textile industry in the future. In this case, everyone’s cooperation is needed.
Textile and Jute Ministry Job 2021
The Directorate of Jute is the pioneer of the development of the jute sector. But after establishing the Board of Investment, the sponsoring function of the jute sector is handed over to the Board of Investment. Directorate Jute Ministry Inspector Job Circular deadline 30th May 2019. Textile and Jute Ministry Job 2021.