Gas Transmission Company Job 2021 has been found on my website. Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) also has been published on the official website. Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) is a company responsible for the transmission of natural gas all over Bangladesh.
Gas Transmission Company Job 2021
Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) Job is the smartest and attractive job in Bangladesh. Now interested candidate is applying for this job position online. Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) online application charge a fee of five hundred only (500/-). Gas Transmission Company Job Circular 2021.
Gas Transmission Company Job Details 2021
Gas Transmission Company Job Summary
■ Job Title: See Job Advertisement
■ Job Description: This job position experiences, talented authority for further review and selection purposes.
■ Published Date: June 21, 2021
■ Application Start: June 22, 2021 [9.00 am]
■ Online Application Deadline: July 29, 2021 [5.00 Pm]
■ Job Nature: Full-time
■ Job Type: Government (Gas Transmission Company)
■ Employment Type: Permanent
■ Education Qualification: See Job Advertisement
■ Job Experience: See Job Advertisement.
■ Gender: Both (Male & Female)
■ Compensation and Benefit: The Successful will be offered competitive compensation and benefits package as per government pay-scale.
■ How to Apply: Apply to Online []
■ Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
■ Age Limit: 30 years and 32 Child of Freedom Fighter as of 1st March 2021
Gas Transmission Company Job Notice 2021
Gas Transmission Company Job News 2021
SMS Method:
1st SMS: GTCL <Space>User ID <Send> 16222
Example: GTCL <PQBCR><Send> 16222
Reply: Applicant’s Name, Tk-500.00 will be charged as an application fee. Your PIN is (8 digit number) 12345678.
To pay the fee Type GTCL < Space>Yes<Space>PIN and send it to 16222.
2nd SMS: GTCL <Space><Yes><Space><PIN><Send>16222
Example: GTCL< YES> 12345678
Reply: Congratulations Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for GTCL Application for xxxxxxxxxxxxxx User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).
Gas Transmission Company Job Update 2021
Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) has been Published Job Circular 2021. Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL job title are as follows Assistant Engineer, Assistant Manager (General), Assistant Manager (Finance Accounts), Sub-Assistant Engineer, Assistant Officer (General), Assistant Officer (Finance Accounts). Gas Transmission Company Official website
The idea for the creation of the National Gas Transmission Company was conceived in the year 1987 on the basis of recommendation made by Coopers and Lybrand Associated, a Consultant appointed by DFID ( the then ODA) as a co-financier of multi-donor (IDA, CIDA, OPEC) funded Second Gas Development Project (SGDP). The terms of reference of the Consultant was to review the structure of Petrobangla and its companies concurrently with the Financial, Legal, and Administrative framework and make a recommendation for necessary changes, Accordingly, they proposed to create a number of companies including a National Gas Transmission Company for the fulfillment of covenants in the staff appraisal Report of SGDP in order to derive following benefits:
- The separation of transmission from distribution is a very common practice where multifield production is to be piped over a large geographical area to a number of distribution regions.
- Separation of transmission system from distribution would enhance other customer services by the Distribution companies.
- Separation of transmission system would ensure improved management of the National Gas Grid and allocation of gas to distribution Companies as per duly nominations.
Gas Transmission Company Job Guideline 2021
Subsequently, World Bank also carried out a study in connection with the activities of the 3 (three) existing distribution companies and separation of transmission activities from the distribution companies as a covenant of the Gas Infrastructure Development Project (GIDP). According to the World Bank (IDA) Mission prepared a strategy paper on the need and justification of the formation of a National Gas transmission Company (NGTC).
Pursuant to the recommendation of the donor agency and taking into consideration the benefits of a separate transmission entity, GOB decided to create Gas Transmission Company Ltd.(GTCL) entrusted with the responsibility to operate North-South Gas and Condensate Pipeline and implementation of 30″ dia 57.50 Km Ashugongj-Bakhrabad (A-B) Gas Transmission Pipeline – Key component of IDA funded Gas Infrastructure Development Project (GIDP) towards the establishment of National Gas Grid. The objective of this was to divert surplus gas from fields located in the North-Eastern region toward the Chittagong region to supplement the gas deficit resulted in depletion of production from the Bakhrabad Gas Field.
As per provision of Memorandum and Articles of Association and subsequent transmission strategy, GTCL would own operates, maintains, and constructs all high-pressure Gas transmission Pipeline under a phased program. Moreover, GTCL shall solely be responsible for the construction of future high-pressure transmission pipelines.
Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) Job Circular 2021 Online Application Deadline June 18, 2021 [5.00 Pm]. Gas Transmission Company Job Circular 2021.